Meanwhile, Salman will be next seen in Ali Abbas Zafar's 'Bharat' and Shah Rukh is starring the biopic on astronaut Rakesh Sharma. SRK also did a cameo in Salman's 'Tubelight.' The duo has given major hits together including 'Hum Tumhare Hai Sanam,' Har Dil Jo Pyar Karega,' and 'Kuch Kuch Hota Hai.' It has also been receiving positive reviews from the audience. The foot tapping track showboats the undeniable camaraderie of the Khan duo that makes you root for their bromance. Salman also has a cameo in the film for the song 'Issaqbaazi.'
#Karan arjun song video movie
Interestingly, Shah Rukh recently visited the sets of Salman's hit reality show to promote his movie 'Zero.' The two might have been through a rough patch in terms of their friendship but not anymore. Salman and Shah Rukh's friendship is a known fact. Taking to his Instagram, Salman shared a video of SRK and him watching the video of the song- Yeh Bandhan Toh from their blockbuster film Karan Arjun.
The Kick actor captioned it as, "Karan + Arjun. Listen to all of Karan Arjun online on JioSaavn. The songs were composed by Rajesh Roshan, a talented musician. There are a total of 7 songs in Karan Arjun. After a few moments, the camera moves to reveal Shah Rukh and Salman's faces, who are watching it together at a party. Karan Arjun is a Hindi album released in 1995. The video begins with a shot of a TV screen. Taking to his Instagram, Salman shared a video of SRK and him watching the video of the song- 'Yeh Bandhan Toh' from their blockbuster film 'Karan Arjun' and we really can't get enough of them. The film’s songs are composed by Rajesh Roshan and lyrics. The film (Karan Arjun), starring Salman Khan, Shah Rukh Khan, Rakhee Gulzar, Kajol, Mamta Kulkarni, Amrish Puri, Ranjeet, Johnny Lever, Ashok Saraf, Arjun, Aashif Sheikh, was released in theatres on 13 January 1995. This time, the duo reminisced their old times and here's the proof! Karan Arjun is a 1995 Indian Hindi film directed by Rakesh Roshan and produced by Rakesh Roshan under the banners Tips.
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From always becoming the life of a party to entertaining the guests with their jokes, Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan have done it all together. youtube, youtube to mp3, download youtube, mymp3song, hindi music lyrics ,download punjabi music, free punjabi music, hindi songs mp3 ,punjabi wap ,punjabi. Karan Arjun Songspk, Download Karan Arjun Mp3 Songs, Karan Arjun Music 320Kbps Free Bollywood Hindi Sountracks.